Date: July , 1994
Linn county, OR
Nearest town: Cascadia, OR
Nearest road: Fernview Campground bridge road
Conditions: warm and dry
Time: late afternoon
Location: We were staying in one of the cabins on land leased from Willamette Forest Service. On Hwy 20 heading East from Sweet Home, you go to the Fernview Campground, and go right across the bridge over the Santiam River. Go up a little hill, and over Big Boulder Creek, and around to the right, and there is a gated/locked road that goes in to the cabins. It was on that dirt road, by the cabins that I saw the sasquatch.
Description of event: I was living in one of the above cabins with my husband and two younger children. We had finished dinner, and they were in the living room. It was getting later, but was still pretty light out, as it had been sunny that day. I started to walk from the kitchen to the living room, and a movement caught my eye straight ahead, through the bathroom window.
I stood stock still in disbelief as a sasquatch walked up the dirt road (heading south from our cabin) with huge long strides. I could see his back only. I sensed it was a male, though I couldn’t say why. He seemed to be aware of me watching him, but wasn’t worried.
He was about 7′ tall, with reddish-brown hair about 2″ long. He had very long arms and legs, and walked very confidently and controlled looking. He walked behind a large tree at the edge of the road, and just disappeared. I kept waiting for him to show up on the other side of the tree, but he just seemed to vanish.
I wasn’t frightened, as he didn’t seem malevolent or animalistic. Our dog was chained up outside the window, and she was barking and lunging at the end of her chain, watching him. He didn’t seem at all fazed by the dog. I was so engrossed watching him that I didn’t think to say anything out loud until he disappeared.
Then I walked into the living room in a daze and told my husband “I just saw a bigfoot walk up the road…” I went out a few minutes later and looked at the road by the tree, but the ground was too dry & packed for any tracks to show.
record updated:0000-00-00 00:00:00
Date: March , 2001
Linn county, OR
Nearest town: Sweethome
Nearest road: hwy 20
Time: afternoon
Location: rooster rock hiking trail just off of hwy 20
Description of event: I decided to take my girlfriend hiking .I knew of a trail which isnt hiked alot,because we wanted to see nature not people .so i took her to rooster rock hiking trail just past trout creek off of hwy 20, we got to the start of the trail filled out our cards and put it in the box ,there was only 1 other card in the box and it was dated some time back so we were excited no one would be on the trail .plus it was a rainy foggy day and we didnt expect see anyone anyhow,the trail was all overgrown and i had to use my machete in some parts of the way up we were 3/4 of the way up when we came to a muddy rocky section of the trail ,and there were large foot prints in the mud going down the side of the mountain i put my foot in one of the prints and i wear a size 11 1/2 the print beat my shoe size by a good 8 inches, and the span of the prints were incredibly long about 4ft to each one ,we didnt know what to think of it, so we kept hiking, we got to the top of the trail ate lunch then came back down,we got to where we found the tracks and there were more ,instead of the tracks going down like it was before it had come back up the mountain going back up the hill ,at that time we got any eerie feeling like something is watching us, the kind of feeling where your hair stands up on the back of your we picked up our pace going down the trail as a former marine i felt somthing was wrongi did have my glock .40 on me so i was to worried but i still felt edgy, we almost all the way down the trail it was raining hard when somthing large started coming at us fast through the forest it
was breaking branches and was moving fast i tossed my girlfreind the car keys and told her to run to the car and get it started, so she ran i pulled out my gun and as a marine i took a defensive position behind a tree. i fired three shots in the air, the thing then turned back and i could hear it going back up the trail breaking limbs and bushes, it stopped and got very quiet , ithen back peddled down the trail to the car slowly then i heard a loud hooooaaap ,yell, coming from up the mountain then another one from a differnt direction the yelling was continous , i got to the car and we sped off fast we went to the ranger station in sweet home to report what happened they pretty much just blew us off , but me and her knew what happened, please contact me
record updated:2003-01-09 00:00:00